Bachelor of Science in Electronics Technology



Freshman Year



First Semester                                Credit                                           Second Semester                           Credit


ENGL 100 (Ideas & Express I)              3                                              ENGL 101 (Ideas & Express II)             3

MATH 110 (Pre-Calculus)                    4                                              GCS 234 (Comp.-Aided Draft)**          3

MFG 191 (Intro to MFG)                     3                                              CHEM 106, 116 (Gen Chem/Lab)***   4

ECT 101 (Tech Computers I)                3                                              ECT 120 (Intro  Electronics Tech)         3

PHED 200 (Personal Hygiene)               2                                              MATH 131 (Calculus I)                         4

15                                                                                                                                                                  17



Sophomore Year


First Semester                                Credit                                           Second Semester                           Credit


ECT 201 (Technical Computers II)        3                                              ECT 212 (Electric Circuits II)                3

MATH 132 (Calculus II)                       4                                              Physics 226, 236                                    4

Physics 225, 235                                    4                                              Speech 250 (Speech Fund.)                    3

ECT 211 (Electric Circuits I)                  3                                              ECT 213 (Digital Circuits)                     3

GCS 292 or ENGL 331 or BUED 360   3                                              Liberal Arts (Elective)*                          3

                                                              17                                                                                                            16



Junior Year


First Semester                                Credit                                           Second Semester                           Credit


ECT 312 (Active Circuits I)                   3                                              ECT 314 (Active Circuits II)                  3

Accounting 203                                       3                                              ECT 350 (Comm. Systems)                   3

Liberal Arts (Elective)*                          3                                              ECT 360 (Indus Meas. & Control I)      3

ECT 313 (Elect Microcomputer Sys I)  3                                              Liberal Arts (Elective)                            6

ECT 355 (Elec. Power & Machinery)    3                                                                                                            15




Senior Year


First Semester                                Credit                                           Second Semester                           Credit


PSYC 445 or PSYC 320                         3                                              OSH 393 or OSH 201                             3

CM 592 (Project Mgmt.)                       3                                              ECT Technical Elective                          3

ECT 598 or ECT 497                             3                                              Free Elective                                           6

BUAD 422 (Intro. to Mgmt.)                3                                              MFG 495 or MATH 224

or SOCI 203 or ECON 305                    3

ECT Tech Elective(s)                             6                                                                                                            15





Total Credit Hours = 128


*          Must be an approved elective.  See departmental approved liberal arts list.

**       A prerequisite of GCS 133 is recommended for students who have not taken prior drafting course.

***     A prerequisite of CHEM 099 is recommended for students lacking high school Chemistry

****   See an advisor for a list of approved technical specialization courses

***** Military or Air Science may be used as free electives.



ECT Required Courses (student must take all of the following courses)

ECT 101 Technical Computers I

ECT 120 Introduction to Electronics Technology

ECT 201 Technical Computers II

ECT 211 Electric Circuits I

ECT 212 Electric Circuits II

ECT 213 Digital Circuits

ECT 312 Active Circuits I

ECT 313 Electronic Microcomputer Systems I

ECT 314 Active Circuits II

ECT 350 Communications Systems

ECT 355 Electrical Power and Machinery

ECT 360 Industrial Measurements and Control I


ECT Senior Electives (student must select 3 credit hours from the following courses)

ECT 497 Cooperative Training in Industry I

ECT 598 Senior Project


ECT Technical Electives (student must select 9 credit hours from any of the following specializations)

General Specialization

ECT 498 Cooperative Training in Industry II

ECT 599 Independent Study

ECT 690 Special Problems in Electronics and Computer Technology

ECT 685 Energy, Power and The Environment

ECT 695 Alternate Energy Systems


Computer Information Technology Specialization

ECT 301 Technical Computers III

ECT 413 Electronic Microcomputer Systems II

ECT 420 Uniplexed Information and Computing Systems

ECT 431 Advanced Programming Techniques with an OOP Language

ECT 530 Computer Networking I

ECT 620 Telecommunications Management

ECT 630 Computer Networking II

COMP 620 Information, Privacy and Security

COMP 627 Wireless Network Security


Telecommunications Technology Specialization

ECT 601 Wireless Application Protocols

ECT 610 Digital Communications I

ECT 611 Digital Communications II

ECT 650 Wireless Communication Systems

ECT 655 Optical Communication Systems

ECT 660 Satellite and Personal Communication Systems

ECT 665 Wireless Geo-location Systems

ECT 670 Communication Circuit Development Laboratory

ECT 675 Video Communication Systems

ECT 680 Radio Wave and Optical Signal Propagation


Microelectronics and Materials Technology Specialization

ECT 414 Introduction to Semiconductor Device Physics and Fabrication

ECT 614 Microelectronic Fabrication Technology

ECT 615 Introduction to Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Technology

ECT 616 Applied Materials, Semiconductor, and Superconductivity

ECT 617 Advanced Solid State Devices


Control and Systems Technology Specialization

ECT 330 Industrial Electronics and Control I

ECT 334 Electronic Instrumentation

ECT 430 Industrial Electronics and Control II

ECT 455 Power Electronic Applications

ECT 460 Industrial Measurement & Controls II

ECT 600 Electromechanical Systems Analysis

ECT 634 Electronic Instrumentation for Telemetry Applications

ECT 635 Analysis and Design of Mechatronic Systems

ECT 640 Electronic Automated Testing Systems



Page last updated April 23, 2003